I'll try to post some pics of the past 4-5 months knitting projects soon, but today I just wanna wish y'all a wonderful New Year! Thanks for hanging in there with me this fall/winter. I see that I still get a lot of hits even without posting! I'm gonna work on that.
Be happy, be well, and Knit On!
Inspired to list it and 'live out loud' by Crazy Aunt Purl, I'll let blogville see my good intentions (we don't do resolutions in WhimZland.)
(again stealing from Laurie, I'll chop it up in categories)
1. Just get the closet cleaned out already. I bought a shelving unit, and most of the closet's contents need to go away. I'm not likely to be skinny and 25 again, and the memory keepsakes can be in my head instead of my closet. JUST CLEAN IT OUT.
2. Give the bedroom some style. Paint it, clean it out, get some carpet, make it look like a place for a grownup to live.
3. Buy a dustmask and attack the basement storage again. I know there's a sewing machine down there SOMEwhere. (really, this one is only slightly my fault. If ya knew my landlord...)
1. Lose a few pounds. I'll be happier.
2. Do yoga. It feels good.
3. Sleep more, read blogs less (ack!)
4. Keep trying to smile when in public. The smiles I'm getting back, especially from tired holiday shoppers, feel great.
5. Dance at home. I used to boogy all the time; it's a good way to rev the engine.
6. Communicate better with my family.
7. Stop being so cautious.
8. Save up $ for a cool trip, or...um...pay off more bills. (getting there!)
9. Be a better friend. write more, call more, listen more. Don't let people drift away from neglect.
10. Plan my time out better. Why, that could be done with a list! And then, um...stick to the list.
11. Consider getting haircuts more often than once or twice a year...
12. Volunteer somewhere. Do charity knitting. Make some of this blessed existence spill over to others.
[added 1.1.06 ~ I've been working on a 'gratitude attitude' (ugh. just made that up. sorry.) the past few years. I saw a blog entry that addresses this quite well today. Check it out.]
1. learn to use that sewing machine!
2. keep learning new knit skills, don't let it become a faded hobby!
3. use a few of the beads, eh. (thank goodness collecting beads isn't a spacehog.)
4. start/keep up a knit journal on paper. Blogging rocks, but I love looking through others' knit journals, and it's a good place to keep yarn scraps, etc.
5. get the violin out. Actually learn to play it again. It's beautifully restored, music makes me happy....stop being so shy about the neighbors and squeak away!
6. work harder to find time for reading. It's getting more balanced, but not as much as I'd like.
7. decide an update schedule for the knitblog, either quit blogging, or work on it. ditto bookblog.
8. Have fun with the watercolor painting page-a-day calendar. It's all about not being afraid of things I'm not sure of. (The "C" I got in the college art class crushed me, and I TRIED!)
This is just a quick list while sipping my first glass of champagne for the year (or...eh...the close-to-last-glass of 2005.) I'm sure the list will be edited plenty!
Thank you, Aunt Purl, for inspiring knitbloggers and single gals...being a solo catlady with a yarn obsession can be lonely business, but you do it with grace and laughter.
Thanks to my Knit group for being a faithful source of creativity, friendship and giggles.
Thanks to my family. You're...my family. I love you. (Princess and Murr can get lumped in here for now, too.)
I'm ending this year happy. Strangely happy. Mr Right didn't appear, my apt is messy, I'm not a zillionaire. I am safe, fed, warm and loved. It works. Happy New Year.
Sounds like you're happy - glad to here it. Do get in contact with old friends they miss you.
Happy New Year to you!
But it would be nice to be a zillionaire though, wouldn't it? :)
Happy New Year!
What a nice post! Great thoughts in there. It was nice to see you tonight!
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